Thursday, April 6, 2017

#NaPoWriMo Day 6

Prompt: A poem with different ways to look at something

One way is to perform
Sure of every move,
Every angle, turn, spin.
That one,
Is not for me.

Yet another is with your lover
Or friend,
Or father,
Ceremoniously swaying,
Arm in arm.

With the lover alone
Is another world
As the nervous steps meet,
Silliness takes over,
Often romance.
You sometimes stumble,
Nervous excitement in the air,
Feeling the breath of the other
Close enough for comfort.

In school, there was another kind,
Folkie, we called it,
Where you were taught
And learnt to fall in love
With the ways of the world
Through the simplicity of movement.

With old friends,
Evolution fails,
In the loveliest possible way.
Yet another feeling
Memories made.
You're nearly your best self
They're almost mirrors,
But not quite.

Another way is to draw the curtains
This one suits me best -
Swirling to the music
Or lack of.
No one to see you
Ungracefully joyful.

Art by Yelena Bryksenkova

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