Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 181/366

A child can bring to your seemingly inconsequential life the simplest & greatest of joys...Even if they're not your own! 
There's something addictive about their naughty smiles, the things they find delight in and the way they share their little worlds with you. The best part about them: a passage to feel like a child again even though you know you're 21.

My little niece: the 4-legged pink monster
Coffee with Zizou
Jumping for the stars.
If you're happy and you know it, burst the bubble!
Me, Myself & Bubbles.
Counting the stones.
Let me know if these photographs made you do anything else but smile! :)


  1. kids these days are so sophisticated =P cute none the less

  2. Sure they made me smile ! :) Amazing childhood ! :)
