Tuesday, April 2, 2019

NaPoWriMo 2019: Day 1

*I'll be creating doodles for each poem as well*

How to begin, somewherePrompt: Inspired by January Gill O’Neil's How To Make A Crab Cake

first mentally,
then physically.

make a list
of all the must-dos, can-dos, can't-dos
know what you're up against.

begin the spring cleaning.
the insecurities
expired memories
rusted tools
that come in the way
of the beginning.

get rid
the stacks and stacks and stacks
of unwantedness
that were holding
you back.

when the moment arrives,
and you will know when it does -
every bone in your body will -
step forward
let go
dive deep
into the great unknown.

if you are not ready,
you will find your way back
to the surface
to safety -
as familiar
as when you left.

if you are ready,
and I pray you are,
the moment
will suck you in,
and keep you there
until you are no longer at -
nor can ever return -
to the moment before
it all began.

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