Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 91/366

It feels weird to say goodbye to being 20. I've loved the last 12 months: there has been an increased, fantastic sense of freedom and responsibility, I've had very interesting interactions with certain people, and NH7 Weekender happened to me. Plus, I interned with Deccan Herald where I got 49 articles published in a span of 6 weeks. Also, I got featured in New Indian Express' special education supplement for being an 'author and editor at 20.' It felt bloody good, to be honest. It's been a year of exploring myself and figuring out things in life. And the one constant thing throughout it was the fact that there were words everywhere. My passion for music and more specifically, the growing live music scene in India got an impetus because I started actively writing about it; Grey Oak Publishers' Urban Shots let me write a story each in 2 more books as well as a foreword; I worked hard in 2 internships with renowned English dailies in the country; last but not the least, I started this blog and I am just so delighted that I have not defaulted (yet...) I turn 21 tomorrow and I've no clue what the world has in store for me. But as of now, I can't wait to find out. 

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