Thursday, April 18, 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 18 - extra

Prompt to self: Write a poem to capture the present moment you are experiencing

you need to remind yourself to stop,
slow down,
find yourself in your balcony
after the April showers
admiring the stillness of the trees,
the hydrangea blossom in your little forest
getting the attention it deserves,
being seen as a living being the way it was promised,
when you took him from the Lalbagh nursery into your own home.
for the first time.

Erik Satie floats in from the room
merging quietly with the pitter patter -
nature’s soundtrack that never disappoints -
with the second shower
comes the crescendo
and finally, the train whistle to complete the masterpiece
did you hear it too?

my jasmine, basil, aloe vera, tomato,
the neighbourly mango and avocado trees
keep me company
reminding me to remember to grow
the way they silently do.

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